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St. Willibrord

St. Willibrord - Patron of Holland - November 7th

Willibrord was born in England and educated for many years at an Irish monastery. Yet most of his life and mission was among the lands which today are Germany, Holland, Luxemburg, and Denmark. He had long had a great desire to preach the Gospel to the pagans of these countries, and at last, his dream came true. With the encouragement of the Pope, who made him a bishop, and with the help of the Frankish King Pepin, St. Willibrord won many souls to Christianity.

There was one very stubborn pagan King, however, who made it hard for the Saint. This was Rodbod, King of Upper Friesland. At one time the missionary’s ship was driven onto an island which the pagans of Denmark and Friesland considered sacred to their god. No one was to kill any animal on it, to eat any vegetable or fruit that grew there, or to draw from its spring, unless in complete silence. To show them their god did not exist, St. Willibrord killed some game to provide food for his companions and baptized three persons in the spring. Hearing him pronounce the words, “I baptize thee…” loudly, the pagans felt sure he would drop dead, but of course, nothing happened. King Rodbod was told of this event and he ordered that one of the Christians should die to “calm the god’s anger.” So it was that one became a martyr.

After this King died, St. Willibrord eagerly went ahead converting many pagans. Although he was growing very old, nothing could stop this apostle. He was still a fine-looking man, cheerful, wise, devout and full of love for souls, right to the end of his life.

Let us be brave today! Let us do something which will help somebody to live closer to God.

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