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St. William of Monte Vergine

St. William of Monte Vergine - June 25th

William was born in Northern Italy and was brought up by relatives because his parents died when he was a baby. When William grew up, he became a hermit, but when he worked a miracle and cured a blind man, he became famous. He was too humble to be pleased with the people’s admiration, so he went away to live alone on a very high, wild mountain.

Even there, however, men gathered around the Saint and he built a monastery for them dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. People gave the mountain a new name now-the Mountain of the Virgin-because of William’s monastery.

Later the Saint founded other great monasteries, helped by King Roger of Naples. His good influence on this king angered some evil men of the court, and they tried to show William was really an evil man hiding behind a holy habit. They sent a bad women to tempt him to sin. As soon as William what kind of women this visitor was, he worked a miracle and the evil women ran away frightened.

When we are tempted to commit a sin of impurity, we should remember that after that sin we might die and go to hell to suffer forever.