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St. Syncletica

St. Syncletica – January 8th

St. Syncletica was a rich young girl who lived in Alexandria, Egypt in the fourth century. When her parents died, they left her and her blind sister a great fortune. But Syncletica gave it to the poor. She kept just enough to live on, and she and her sister devoted themselves to prayer and penance. Hearing of St. Syncletica’s great holiness many women came to ask her to teach them how to please God. She was so humble that she felt she was too sinful to teach anyone. At last, however, she did not have the heart to refuse them any longer, and she gave them many wise lessons.

What most surprised everyone who visited the Saint was her great happiness. She who had once been so rich was living on bread and water and sleeping on the ground. Besides that, for three years before her death, she suffered from a very painful sickness. Yet, Syncletica was always joyful and grateful to God for letting her share in the sufferings of His Passion. To reward her, three days before her death, the Lord gave her a little idea of the great glory and happiness He had prepared for her in Heaven.

It is not true that to be good we have to be sad. The Saints were always happy. God loves those who serve Him cheerfully.