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Sts. Faustinus and Jovita

Sts. Faustinus and Jovita - Patrons of the city of Brescia - February 15th

Sts. Faustinus and Jovita were brothers who lived in Brescia, Italy. From the time they were young, they were famous for their great love for their religion and their works of Christian charity. Never were there two brothers so closely united in zeal for doing good. The bishop of their city made them both priests, and they began to preach everywhere to both the rich and the poor. They spared themselves no sacrifice to bring many to God. They were not afraid of the soldiers, who were putting many Christians to death.

When the Emperor heard that Faustinus and Jovita were preaching openly, he sent them to prison and had them tortured greatly. Yet, no matter what the soldiers made them suffer, Faustinus and Jovita prayed and willingly suffered for the Lord. They would not give up their Faith.

How pleased God is to see brothers and sisters helping one another study their Catechism! May He be pleased with this sight in their home.

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