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St. Pothinus and the Martyrs of Lyons

St. Pothinus and the Martyrs of Lyons - June 2nd

Lyons is a city in France, and back in the very early days of the Church, there was a great persecution of the Christians in that region. As it grew worse, some weak Christians were so afraid of being tortured that they gave up their Faith. But the braver ones, who trusted in God, soon won back their weaker brothers, and all together, they suffered for Jesus.

Some were burned with red-hot plates; some were thrown to beasts; some were whipped; and some were roasted in an iron chair. A slave girl named Blandina amazed her persecutors by her courage. She was tortured all day long, but in the end, it was her torturers who gave up, not she. On the last day of the martyrdoms, Blandina was brought out before all the people to suffer again. Yet she looked as happy as if she were going to her wedding! In fact, she was so intent on talking in her heart to Jesus that she did not even feel it when she was tossed over and over again by a bull! When she was killed, the pagans themselves said they had never seen a women show such courage.

The leader of all these martyrs was the bishop of Lyons. St. Pothinus. He was ninety years old. They kicked and beat him so much that he died two day later in prison.

Let us always be thankful that we share in the divine Faith as these strong Christians. May we never be ashamed of being followers of Christ.

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