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St. Kenneth

St. Kenneth – October 11th

This saint, who is sometimes called St. Canice or Kenny, was an Irishman, but he is famous in both Ireland and Scotland. His father was a bard, that is, a professional singer of ballads and stories in song. As a young man, Kenneth went to Wales to study for the priesthood with St. Cadoc as his teacher. After he became a priest, he went to visit Rome, and then returned to Ireland to study at the school of St. Finnian. He became good friends with three other Irish Saints-Kieran, Comgall and Columba.

After preaching through Ireland, St. Kenneth went with St. Columba to Scotland on a mission to the pagan King Brude. When this King angrily seized his sword to strike the two missionaries, St. Kenneth made the sign of the cross, and a miracle took place! The King’s hand was suddenly paralyzed, and the Saints were saved! St. Kenneth and St. Columba were always very close friends. Once Columba was sailing with some companions and Kenneth was far away in his monastery in Ireland. Suddenly he learned from God that Columba was in great danger at sea. He jumped up from the dinner table and ran to church to pray for his beloved friend. Out at sea, Columba cried to his frightened companions: “Don’t be afraid! God will listen to Kenneth. Right now he’s running to church with only one shoe on to pray for us!” And as he had said, they were saved!

St. Kenneth founded many monasteries in Ireland and converted many pagans in Scotland. He became famous for his zealous preaching of the Gospel and even more, for the perfect way in which he himself practiced the teachings of Jesus.

I will read a page of the Holy Gospel every day.

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