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St. John Gualbert

St. John Gualbert - July 12th

St. John was the son of an Italian nobleman. He and his father were heartbroken when the only other brother, Hugh, was murdered by a man who was supposed to be his friend. Urged on by his father and by his own anger, John began looking for a way to avenge his brother’s death. He felt that his personal honor depended on it.

One Good Friday, he came face to face with the murderer in a narrow passageway. John drew his sword and started toward the man, who fell upon his knees and crossed his arms on his chest, imploring forgiveness, in the name of Our Lord’s holy Passion and Death. At that moment, John remembered how Jesus forgave His murderers as He was dying on the cross. With a tremendous effort, he dropped his sword, embraced his enemy and moved on down the road.

When he came to a monastery church, he went and knelt before the crucifix and asked for forgiveness for his sins. Then a miracle happened! Christ on the cross bowed his head three times, as if to tell John that He was pleased with him for forgiving his enemy and that his own sins were forgiven. Such a change came over John that he went straight to the Abbot of that monastery and asked if he could join the monks.

When John’s father heard about it, he said he would burn the whole monastery if his son did not come out. The monks did not know what to do, but John solved the problem by cutting off his hair himself and borrowing a habit from one of the monks. Even his father was moved at that, and so he let him remain.

St. John later went off to live a stricter life and to start his own Community of monks. He became a model to all for his great love for poverty and for the poor, and by his humility. God granted him the power to work miracles and cure the sick who came to him for help.

Even the greatest offenses can be forgiven with the help of God. If we forgive those who do wrong to us, God will also forgive us our offenses to Him.

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