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St. Athanasius

St. Athanasius - May 2nd

Athanasius was an Egyptian who devoted his life to proving that Jesus is truly God against the Arians who denied it. Even before he was ordained a priest, he had read so many books on the Faith that he easily could point out the mistakes in the false teachings of the Arians.

For forty-six years, he was Archbishop of the great city of Alexandria in Egypt. Four Roman emperors could not make him stop writing his clear and beautiful explanations of our holy Faith. His enemies persecuted him in every way and sent him into exile many times.

Once they were chasing him down the Nile River. “They are catching up to us!” cried the Saint’s friends. Athanasius was not worried. “Turn the boat around,” he said, “and row towards them.” The men from the other boat shouted, “Have you seen Athanasius?” Back came the answer: “You are not far from him!” The enemy boat sped on faster than ever, and the Saint was safe!

Because the people of Alexandria so loved their good Archbishop, who was a real father to them, they saw to it that he spent the last seven years of his life safe with them. The enemies of the true Faith could not harm him, and he died in peace.

Let us never let the teasing or laughter of our companions stop us from doing what is right. God sees us and He will reward us in Heaven for every good act.

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