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St. Aidan

St. Aidan – August 31st

Aidan was an Irish monk who lived at the great monastery of Iona, which St. Columba had founded. One day the King of the northern part of England, St. Oswald, asked for the missionaries to preach to his pagan people. The first one to go soon came back complaining that the English were rude, stubborn and wild. “It seems to me,” said St. Aidan, “that you have been too harsh with those people.” He then explained that, as St. Paul says, first easy teachings are to be given, and then when the people have grown stronger on the word of God, they can start to do the more perfect things of God’s holy law.

When the monks heard such wise words, they turned to Aidan and said that he should be the one to go to Northern England to preach the Gospel. The humble, devout monk was well received by King St. Oswald, who used to translate Aidan’s sermons until the Saint learned English better. St. Aidan traveled all over, always on foot, preaching and helping the people. He did so much good and was so loved by the people that after thirty years, any monk or priest who came into a village was greeted with great joy by all the villagers.

On the Island of Lindisfarne, St. Aidan built a great monastery, from which so many Saints were to come that Lindisfarne became known as the Holy Island. Little by little the influence of these zealous missionaries changed Northern England into a civilized Christian land.

The secret to be friendly with everyone is to be kind to all.

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