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St. Abraham

St. Abraham - March 16th

St. Abraham was born in Mesopotamia of a rich, noble family. He married because that was what his parents wanted. But immediately after the wedding, he told his wife that he wanted to live and die as a virgin. Then secretly he left home to live only for God. His friends looked for him for seventeen days. They finally found him praying in a little cell outside the city. He begged them to let him stay and at last they gave in.

Abraham’s cell had only one little window, through which he received food and drink. Here he spent all his time. Adoring and praising God, and begging His mercy. All he had was a cloak and a piece of sackcloth to wear and one dish out of which he ate a drank. Ten years after Abraham had left the world, he received all his parents’ fortune. But he gave it to the poor. Many people called upon him for advise. On seeing this, the Bishop ordained Abraham a priest and sent him to preach to people who were enemies of our holy Faith. Abraham would have been happier to stay in his cell, but he obeyed cheerfully.

He was often beaten and insulted by those people. Three times he was sent away, but each time he returned with greater zeal. After three years, the people were finally moved by his meekness and patience. Through the prayers of Abraham, they all received baptism!

When his brother died, St Abraham took upon himself the care of his brother’s only child, Mary. He placed her in a little cell next to his own and instructed her himself. Mary became very pious and dear to God. But after twenty years of this holy life, she was attracted by the world. She ran away to a distant town and there committed many sins. For two years, St. Abraham wept and prayed for her conversion. Finally he found out where she was living, and he went to talk to her. She was so ashamed when she saw him! “Mary,” he said, “what has become of your angelic life and your prayers?” Then, seeing how sorry she was, he comforted her lovingly. He promised her that she would be happy again if she would follow his advice. Poor Mary! She cried and thanked him for coming. She promised to obey perfectly. So Abraham put her on his horse and led her back to her cell. There Mary did great penance and wept for her sins until she died a saint fifteen years later. She was so sorry that she had offended God. And Our Lord showed how pleased He was with Mary’s sorrow for her sins. He gave her the gift of working miracles by her prayers.

St. Abraham lived ten more years after he had led his niece, St. Mary, back to God.

St. Abraham converted the pagans and his niece with his prayers and mortifications. We must pray and offer up little sacrifices when we need graces.

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