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St. Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist

St. Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist - Patron of Bankers and Tax Collectors – September 21st

Matthew was a tax-collector in the city of Capharnaum, where Jesus was living. He was a Jew but he was working for the Romans, who had conquered the Jews. For this reason, his countrymen disliked him. They would not have anything to do with these “publicans”, as tax collectors like Matthew were called.

But Jesus did not feel that way about Matthew. One day, He saw him sitting in his office and He said, “Follow Me.” At once, Matthew got up and left his money and his position to follow Our Lord, Who seemed so holy and king-like. He gave a big supper for Jesus and invited other publicans like himself to meet Jesus and listen to Him teach. When some people criticized Our Lord for eating with sinners, Jesus answered, “They who are well do not need the doctor; the sick do. I have not come to call the just, but sinners to repentance.”

When Jesus went back to Heaven, St. Matthew stayed in Palestine for some time to preach about Our Lord. He also wrote his Gospel, which is the story of Jesus and what He taught. In his Gospel, St. Matthew showed his countrymen that Jesus is the Messias whom the Prophets had said would come to save us.

After preaching the Gospel to many people, Matthew ended his life as a glorious martyr for the Faith.

If my parents ask me to do something, I will obey promptly, without asking them any questions or giving any excuses.

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