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St. Botvid

St. Botvid - July 28th

This Saint was born in Sweden and brought up a pagan. But when he went to England, he became a Christian. Although he was not a priest, he felt a great desire to preach the Gospel. He wanted to share his new Faith with his own countrymen.

For this reason, St. Botvid returned to Sweden to work for Our Lord there. But he was not even satisfied then. He wanted the Gospel to be preached in Finland, too. So he bought a Finnish slave, taught him the Faith, and then set him free to go back to his own country and make converts there.

That man repaid the Saint for his goodness by a terrible act of ingratitude. St. Botvid set out in a boat to take him across the sea to Finland. When they went ashore for the night and the Saint was asleep, the wicked slave killed Botvid and sailed away with the boat. Friends of the Saint came looking for him when he did not return, and a little bird led them to his body.

St. Botvid is honored as a martyr of charity and as one of the apostles of Sweden.

Today I will show appreciation and gratitude to my parents and teachers, who care so much for me.