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St. Agatha

St. Agatha - Patroness of Island of Malta - February 5th

Agatha was a beautiful and holy Christian girl of Sicily. When the governor heard of Agatha’s beauty, he had her brought to his palace. He wanted to make her commit sins against purity, but she was brave and would not give in. “My Lord Jesus Christ,” she prayed, “You see my heart and You know my desire. You alone must have me, because I am yours. Save me from that evil man. Make me worthy of winning out over the devil.”

The governor tried sending Agatha to the house of a wicked women in the hope that she would change for the worse. But Agatha had great trust in God and prayed all the time. She kept herself pure and would not listen to the evil suggestions of that woman and her daughters. After one month, she was brought back to the governor. He tired again to win her. “You are a noblewomen,” he said kindly. “Why have you lowered yourself to be a humble Christian?”

"Even though I am a noble,” answered Agatha, “I am a slave of Jesus Christ.”

“Then what does it really mean to be a noble?” the governor asked.

Agatha answered wisely, “It means to serve God.”

When he saw that she would not sin, the governor had her whipped and tortured very cruelly. As she was being carried back to prison she said, “Lord, my Creator, You have protected me from the cradle. You have taken me from the love of the world and given me patience to suffer. Now receive my soul.” And with that, her beautiful soul went home to Heaven.

Let us learn from this saint to pray with all our heart when we feel tempted to do something wrong.

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